Ms. Natalia Ilieva
Project Administrator
I was graduated Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania. Bachelor degree of Engineering studies (4 years) in “Food Chemistry and Biochemical Technologies”, and my master’s degree in “Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products” (2 years). Also, I was graduated Degree of Master of Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, professional training field “Business Administration”, study of program “Company Management” from “The Slavonic University” of Moldova, Chisinau. I have participated in student research projects that have contributed to the development of communication and professional skills. I was member of international mobility “Erasmus+” at The University of Castilla–La Mancha (UCLM), Ciudad Real, in partnership with the National Hydrogen Center, Puertollano, Spain and a member of SEE mobility at Norwegian University of Life Sciences: NMBU, in Norway, As.
I have always been thinking about my future, building a career, becoming a successful person and generally finding my own path in the life. For me, to be a part of this team is primarily a pride to deepen my academic knowledge, but also an unprecedented opportunity to communicate and interact with specialists with extensive research experience on collateral, such as chemical engineering and environmental protection.
PATCHER- Protecting aquatic ecosystem and human health from micropollutants