
Quality assurance


This Quality Assurance (QA) helpdesk addresses the programme level and course level. You can either ask a question into the textfield or have a look at the FAQ below.

Please write your question into the textfield below. The message will be delivered to the responsible person of the task.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are the results of the evaluation public?

A: The results of the course evaluation must be communicated to the students and discussed with them. This can be done on the digital learning platform, for example.?


Q: Are there any Standards and guidelines available?

A: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)


Q: The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent. How I can get more detailed information about this?

A: A ECTS Users’ guide is available on:


Q: Can I have additional information about Higher Educations Systems?

A: You can find additional information on:


Q: Is there a guideline for course evaluation?

A:  Examples for Best Practices and Sample Questions for Course Evaluation Surveys can be found on:


Q: How often a course should be evaluated?

A: The evaluation of the courses should take place regularly, i.e. every year or every second year. It is advisable to carry out the evaluation after about two thirds of the course at the latest, so that the results can be discussed with the participants.


Q: Who should take part in the evaluation of a course?

A: All participants of the course should take part. In addition, the lecturer of the course should be consulted so that he/she can contribute an assessment from the lecturer’s point of view.