Strengthening digital skills in the water sector higher education 

Project summary

The DIGISKILLS project aims to share the best practices and lessons learned from European initiatives in the digital transformation of the water sector and higher education with neighbouring countries Moldova and Ukraine.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Supporting the competitiveness of the pan-European water sector and revitalizes educational focus toward the digital skills needed in the labour market.
Transfer knowledge from successful Erasmus+ projects and promote the region’s digital transformation of water education by implementing innovative teaching methods, digital workshops, and eLearning modules.

Train teaching staff on using digital solutions in their classes and provide modern equipment and software for digital transformation.

Improving the quality of water education in Moldova and Ukraine by developing digital skills and transferring innovative technologies and best practices from EU Member States.

The project will enhance the quality of teaching, modernize education systems, and support students in acquiring better competencies. 

digiskills Work plan

DIGISKILLS is divided into 6 Work Packages

WP 1 “Project management and coordination” led by NMBU


WP2 “Current status of digital water education” led by UGAL


WP3 “Capacity building for water education” led by TUM


WP5 “Implementation of developed courses and digital                           workshops” led by NUWEE


WP6 “Quality assurance and monitoring”  led by UNI


WP7 “Impact and Dissemination” led by USM.

Background and general objectives

The water sector and education, both are undergoing a rapid digitalisation process. The digitalisation of the water sector presents a plethora of possibilities to monitor water quality, optimise transport and treatment processes save energy and resources, and unique possibilities in early warning and emergency management. Digital tools in education have enormously expanded the potential for collaboration and resource sharing over geological boundaries, cutting down financial constraints and enabling possibilities that were even five years ago not imaginable. Despite the negative impacts on many areas, it has also positively impacted these two sectors (higher education and the water sector), creating new possibilities for interconnections. The universities in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme started focusing on these aspects a few years ago, and the DIGISKILLS project aims to share the best practices and lessons learned from these European initiatives with the Region 2- Neighbourhood East countries (Moldova and Ukraine), who both have the need and potential to boost their development and economies.

The project supports strengthening the competitiveness of the EU water sector through talent and innovation in higher education according to the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). It also addresses revitalisation of educational focus towards the growing mismatch between the digital competences graduated students acquire and the demand on the labour market accounting for the water digitalisation trend and supporting development towards a Digital Single Market.

The project focuses on digital technology for teaching and learning, developing digital competences and skills, and improving education through better data analysis and foresight meeting the goals of the EU Digital Education Action Plan. Curricula analysis demonstrates a clear skills mismatch related to the employers’ expectations, while intelligent use of digital tools in education may reduce the gap.

Both targeted third countries not associated to the Programme involved in the DIGISKILLS project (Moldova and Ukraine) have accepted the development of education using ICT as one of the priority areas of higher education. During the theme-based training organized by EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme HEIs, teaching staff will be introduced to how to implement and use up-to-date digital solutions in the practical part of their teaching activities. The most advanced equipment and software will be purchased for digital transformation purposes. Therefore, modernisation of HEIs through enhancing the teaching and digital capacities is one of the DIGISKILLS objectives.

The wider objective of the DIGISKILLS project is to improve the quality of water education in Moldova and Ukraine through the development of digital skills and application of the digital transformation in line with the adopted digital higher education strategies.

The specific objectives of the DIGISKILLS project are:

Project team and staff

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The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.